The Spiritual Odyssey of a Man of Science
    Los Angeles Times Bestseller!


    The split between man and maker has long been widening and many acknowledge that the wedge is science.

    Is God dead? Are religion and faith merely opiates of the masses? Till about four hundred years ago, belief in divine power dominated world thought. With developments in science and increasing philosophical skepticism, man appeared to lose faith in God. But science itself has proved to be a false god, leaving in its wake a disillusioned and despondent mankind.

    In Code Name God, Mani Bhaumik, one of the pioneers of the laser technology that made the corrective eye surgery LASIK possible, demonstrates how both spirituality and science are essential for human beings and how one can strike a perfect balance between the two. The author, who as a youngster lived in Mahatma Gandhi's camp, details his incredible rags-to-riches journey and his equally remarkable search for meaning in life, which make for a motivational saga as he strives to achieve the golden mean between science and spirituality.

    Enriching and inspirational, Code Name God provides a simple and easy-to-understand scientific approach to faith and God-realization.


    'The author's personal odyssey ... in the attempt to find common ground between Eastern spirituality and Western science is eloquently told and makes for fascinating reading.'
    - Fritjof Capra, authori of the best-selling The Tao of Physics.

    'The merging of matter and spirit, as presented in this book, might facilitate a much-needed evolutionary step forward in our capaity to love and be fair.'
    - Laura (Mrs. Aldous) Huxley, founder of Children: Our Ultimate Investment.

    'The topic of God, quest for truth and your life story touched me as a human being as well as a writer. This example of a personal spiritual growth, re-evaluation of the material values, and accepting some self-imposed limitations in order to achieve higher goals of science and education naturally arouses very warm feelings towards you .. " . God is one and there are no major differences between religions.'
    - Alexander Salzheniczin, Nobel Laureate in literature.

    'Dr. Bhaumik’s portrayal of a higher power embedded in the fabric of the universe and responsible for its continuing existence and operation is consistent with his reliance on the highly technical and mathematical intricacies of the Quantum Field Theory, an area of study to which I had the opportunity of making some significant contributions.'
    - Professor Walter Thirring, Former Director of CERN, Geneva..

    'I have gone through your book entitled "Code Name God". and 1 would agree with your inference that the one source of the world 's great spiritual traditions is grounded in scientific reality.'
    - A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, Former President of India.

    'Once 1 picked up this book, I couldn 't put it down. It's a humbling experience, and just might change your life.'
    - Kapil Sibal, HRD Minister, India.

    'Code Name God" - a must read.'
    - Hindustan Times.

    'Code Name God" takes you on a fascinating journey.'
    - The Hindu.

    'You could be a skeptic, but even so, the account leaves you with a sense of wonderment that is in short supply in a cynical world.'
    - Times of India.

    'Happiness, it dawned on him, was "an inside job.'
    - India Today.

    'I have read your book, which gave me a lot of pleasure, in spite of my poor health condition. I would recommend your work to the vast range of readers in the West.

    The topic of God, quest for truth and your life story touched me as a human being as well as a writer. This example of a personal spiritual growth, re-evaluation of the material values, and accepting some self-imposed limitations in order to achieve higher goals of science and education naturally arouses very warm feelings towards you. Undoubtedly, these are your life priorities. Obviously, saving human soul starts from the realization of primacy, supremacy of God in everything. This is a very complex spiritual process!

    The voluntary renunciation of the priority of material values by a person living in abundance and luxury is a distant future, albeit a possible one. Our morals at this time are far from desired. Your book is a good example of one’s spiritual growth.

    Regarding the publication of your book in Russia, I do not have any disagreement in principal. God is one and there are no major differences between religions. Russia simply has its own spiritual development, which is naturally characteristic of our country - orthodox Christianity, believe in Christ. The preservation of Russian national identity is the most important task for Russia today. Therefore, the distribution of globalist and cosmopolitan ideas can have a negative effect on today’s unifying processes.

    I am a little disappointed when contemporary Russia is identified in the West with the communist monster. Russia went through the path of darkness (soviet communism) for all humanity and should be thanked for it.

    I wish you good health and success in all your various endeavors!'
    - Alexander Solzheniczin

    'I am a graduate student in computer science at University of California, Merced, CA. It is an honor to write to a distinguished scientist like you. You remain a source of inspiration and a role model to fellow Bengalis like me and to aspiring students all over the world. You have enriched our national heritage through your contribution to the scientific community and your publications which are read and enjoyed by fans of all generations. My favorite works are: The Cosmic Detective, Code name God, Biswa Jibani (Bengali) and Ami Naren (Bengali).

    I look forward to reading more of your books in the future and would like to thank you for that I have learned from reading your works.

    I don’t know whether my letter will reach a legendary scholar like you. But, if it did, I shall be extremely obliged if I could have your autograph to treasure forever as a priceless souvenir given me by one of our country’s greatest national heroes. I thank you for taking the time to read my letter and for your contributions over the years.'
    - Somak Sen, Merced CA.


    Click here to purchase the book.

    Click here to purchase an audio CD, narrated by Stefan Rudnicki.

    Click here to purchase an audio cassette version, narrated by Stefan Rudnicki.

    Exploring the Mysteries of our Universe


    Are you feeling a little lonely in this vast universe? Find out who your neighbors are in this spectacular and thrilling guide to the deepest mysteries of the cosmos.

    International best-selling author and world-renowned scientist, Dr. Mani Bhaumik, takes young readers on a whirlwind tour into space with The Cosmic Detective. Addressing his readers as cosmic detectives, the author actively enlists his young sleuths in finding solutions to questions that have puzzled space scientists for ages.

    How and when did the universe begin? What are stars made of? How far away are the most distant galaxies? What is a quasar? Explore these fundamental cosmic riddles and more in this fascinating journey of discovery and wonder. Find out about nebulae and black holes, navigate the galaxies and the enormous expanses beyond, dive into the heart of neutron stars and walk on distant planets as you join the author in investigating the most bizarre aspects of the cosmos. In the broader context of our own existence in the universe, Dr. Bhaumik reveals that when we explore the cosmos, we also explore ourselves.

    Packed with interesting facts and dazzling color photographs, this beautifully written primer is ideal for students and cosmic detectives of all ages.


    'In his excting new book, Mani Bhaumik builds on recent developments in science to bring us new pictures, larger views and insights about the magnificence of our universe. He challenges us to look at the beauty, complexity and appeal of the newly made images of the cosmos'.
    - Dr. Edgar Mitchewll, Apollo 14 Astronaut.


    Click here to purchase the book.


  • CODE NAME GOD: The Spiritual Odyssey of a Man of Science

    Bijñāne Ishwarer Sanket (ISBN 81-7756-924-4, ISBN 978-81-7756-924-7): Bengali Translation of Codename God, released in 2010



    Click here to purchase the book.


    Ami Naren: Bideshe Vivekananda (ISBN 978-81-8374-188-0): Patra Bharati Pablisher, Kolkata, February, 2013
    On the bestseller list of the Anandabazar Patrika,
    February 15 2013



    Coming Soon!


    Chena Nam Achena Galpa (ISBN 978-93-5040-380-8): Ananda Pablisher, Kolkata 2014
    On the bestseller list of the Anandabazar Patrika,
    March 15 2014



    Coming Soon!


    Bishwa Jeebani: Biography of the Universe (ISBN 81-7756-660-1): Ananda Publishers, Kolkata, 2007



    Coming Soon!

  • Brahman and the Universe - Both are True

    Topped the Bestseller list of the Anandabazar Patrika in the non-fiction category.

    Brahma Satya Jagat Satya : Upanishad-Bijñān-Rabindranath (ISBN 978-93-5040-131-6): Ananda Publishers, Kolkata, 2012. The title of the book means "Brahman and the Universe - Both are true", which runs counter to the ninth century edict of the Hindu spiritual leader Śaṅkarāchārya in his famous poem, Vivekachudamani: Ślokārdhena pravakshyāmi yaduktaṃ granthakoṭibhiḥ Brahma satya jaganmithyā jīvoḥ brahmaiva nāparaḥ (I'll tell in one line what is told in millions of books: Brahman is true and the universe is false; the individual soul is but a manifestation of Brahman)



    Coming Soon!


  • CODE NAME GOD in German


    Introduction by Professor Walter Thirring

    Former Director of the Theory Division, CERN, Geneva and The Schrödinger Institute for Mathematical Physics, Vienna.

    I am a mathematician and a scientist as was my father. My life and mind have been devoted to physics and the study of the laws of the universe with close personal interactions with the icons like Einstein, Heisenberg, Schrödinger, and Pauli. My ethnical, cultural, and religious background is different from the one of Dr. Bhaumik. Yet, we are connected by the wisdom of science and I am strongly inclined to agree with Dr. Mani Bhaumik’s contention that only a superficial comprehension of modern physics leads one to sheer atheism. I was so impressed by his book, Code Name God that I personally arranged for publication of its German edition. I also invited him to give a talk to the expert audience at the Schrödinger Institute in Vienna, an organization for which I have been privileged to serve as a director. Judging from the animated question-answer period following the talk, I must pronounce that his depiction of a universal creator based on modern scientific discoveries that argues against atheism was well received indeed. Somewhat of a paradigm change is being revealed by modern physics.

    Dr. Bhaumik’s portrayal of a higher power embedded in the fabric of the universe and responsible for its continuing existence and operation is consistent with his reliance on the highly technical and mathematical intricacies of the Quantum Field Theory, an area of study to which I had the opportunity of making some significant contributions. With the help of quantum physics and modern cosmology, Dr. Bhaumik illustrates how the universe was when it came into being, how it evolved, and how the same fundamental laws present during its genesis are now administering its activities in areas so far apart that they can not communicate with each other even with the speed of light.

    A deep understanding of the splendid sophistication unveiled by modern science persuades us to find it absurd not to recognize a common blueprint behind all of creation and behind this blueprint a higher order of intelligence. The deeper we look, the more we marvel. Dr. Bhaumik elegantly explains all this in language simple enough to be understood by the general public. Cosmic evolution has proceeded with such an incredible fine tuning that it ultimately allowed for the emergence of intelligent beings to comprehend its design while participating in its manifestation. If the universe of pure accident, a machine operated solely by chance as imagined by some, were an invention submitted to the patent office, a scrupulous patent officer would immediately reject the application, since it needs so many unusual coincidences, it would fail in reality.

    The interplay between random processes and exquisitely fine tuned natural laws is simply too marvelous to attribute to chance. It strongly suggests the presence of a creator, however we may perceive the concept through our insight. Why is there such reluctance among some scientists and humanists to embrace this notion? It seems the trouble begins when we attempt to impose the scientific ideas of the higher power under the yoke of human construct for an image. It is fitting that a man of India with its immense spiritual heritage has so elegantly articulated a fresh point of view, for it was here that a truer nature of creator and creation was first glimpsed through contemplation. It is indeed illogical not to recognize that reflections on the creation of the universe reasonably lead to reflections about the creator and the traces of God in the laws of nature. I hope you enjoy reading the book as much as I did.


    Der Ursprung der Welt aus Sicht von Wissenschaft und Religion

    Autor Dr. Harsieber | Letztes aktualisiert Jul, 04 2013

    Der Physiker Mani Baumik ist in zweifacher Hinsicht interessant: Erstens seine Entwicklung vom armen indischen Slumjungen zum gefeierten Physiker und Multimillionär, zweitens seine Entwicklung vom Verstehen des Mechanismus der Welt zum Verstehen Wollen des Warum und Woher. Hilfe war dabei, dass ihm am Höhepunkt eines glamourösen Lebens dessen Leere bewusst wurde.

    Armut und Bürgerkrieg, Gegensätze und Vorurteile

    Geboren in Indien, einem Land der Widersprüche, „tiefgründig und primitiv“, in dem die Veden das erste Mal Gott als eins beschrieben, war seine Kindheit geprägt von Armut und Bürgerkrieg. Sein Vater war Freiheitskämpfer im Gefolge Mahatma Gandhis, dessen Ideen gegenwärtig waren: „Man muss selbst der Wandel sein, den man in der Welt zu sehen wünscht“. Der Junge sah die Familie unterdrückt, Nahestehende sterben und wollte sich würdig erweisen jener Menschen, die ihr Leben riskierten und geopfert hatten, damit er frei sein möge.

    Gandhi revoltierte nicht allein gegen Indiens Kolonialherren, sondern genauso gegen das Kastenwesen und die Sklaverei der eigenen Vorurteile des indischen Volkes. Analog erlebte Bhaumik später, dass sich auch die Physik quasi gegen ihre eigenen Wurzeln zu wenden begann. Descartes hatte Materielles und Geistiges, Subjekt und Objekt, getrennt, die Quantenphysik musste das Subjekt wieder einbeziehen. Die Spaltung war so nicht aufrecht zu erhalten. Einstein: „Wissenschaft ohne Religion ist lahm, Religion ohne Wissenschaft blind“.

    Vom bengalischen Dorf in die glamouröse Welt Hollywoods

    Trotz niedrigster Herkunft schaffte Bhaumik als auffallend begabter Schüler den Sprung ins College nach Kalkutta. Danach erhielt er ein Stipendium für die University of California. Für Studium und Aufenthalt war gesorgt, doch die Anreise zu teuer für die Familie. Da legte das ganze Dorf zusammen, um wenigstes einem den Ausbruch zu ermöglichen. Er kam in ein anderes Land der Gegensätze mit gar nicht so unähnlichen Vorurteilen: Als ihm der Integrationsbeamte am Zoll fragte, wie es möglich sei, dass Indien so einen Skandal wie das Kastenwesen duldete, antwortete Bhaumik, dass er dafür auch keine logische Erklärung hätte – genauso wenig wie für die Diskriminierung der Schwarzen in Amerika.

    Es begann ein amerikanischer Traum. Bhaumik forschte in der Lasertechnologie, erhielt ein Jobangebot von der Industrie und wurde bald zum hoch bezahlten Forscher. Als er sich dem Konkurrenzkampf und Arbeitsstress kaum gewachsen fühlte, besann er sich auf die alte Technik der Meditation und konnte so seinen Geist regenerieren. Sein kometenhafter Aufstieg öffnete ihm die Türen zur obersten Gesellschaftsschicht. Alles was Rang und Namen hatte, die Reichen und Mächtigen waren auf seinen Partys vertreten. Höhepunkt war eine Beziehung mit der Schauspielerin Eva Gabor, einem glamourösen Juwel. Die Firmen hatten ihn mit Aktien überhäuft, er besaß etliche Villen und fuhr im Rolls Royce. Doch irgendwann kam das Gefühl, sich selbst verraten zu haben, Orientierungslosigkeit und Leere. Bhaumik stieg aus dem Karussell aus.

    Vom Fragmentieren zur Suche nach dem Ganzen

    In einem Winkel seiner Seele erinnerte er sich noch an das erste Meditationserlebnis. Wissenschaft ist bestrebt, die Wirklichkeit zu atomisieren, sie in analysierbare Teile zu fragmentieren. Das ist sehr hilfreich, um zu erforschen, wie die Dinge funktionieren; hilft aber gar nicht bei der Frage, warum sie funktionieren. Diese Frage zielt auf das Ganze und die fragmentierende Sicht steht dabei im Wege. Bhaumik fühlte aber, dass sich die Wissenschaft „auf Zehenspitzen der Schwelle zur Spiritualität“ näherte. Er machte sich auf die Suche nach den Spuren des Ganzen und Einen in der Wissenschaft, in der Physik und Kosmologie.

    Die Leere, das Nichts asiatischer Religionen ist ein Nicht-Etwas, das zugleich alles ist, eine ungeteilte Ganzheit. Viele sehen darin eine Parallele zur ungeteilten Ganzheit der Quantenphysiker. Der leere Raum ist nicht leer, sondern ein brodelnder Kessel von Quantenaktivität. Quantenfelder sind nicht lokalisierbar, sondern überall. Ein Feld ist ein physikalischer Zustand des Raumes selbst. Und alle Kraftfelder des Universums scheinen aus einer gemeinsamen Quelle zu stammen.

    Persönlicher Gott und abstrakter Ursprung

    Den persönlichen Gott bezeichnet Bhaumik als einen „Rest von Heidentum“, weshalb sich heute viele Menschen von der Religion abwenden. Und doch beantwortet er die Frage, warum Gott ein Gesetz oder die Liebe oder wie im Buddhismus Nichts (Nicht-Etwas) sein kann, und dennoch eine Gegenwart, die wir in unserem Herzen fühlen, beinahe wie die Nähe einer geliebten Person: „Gott kann dies alles sein, wenn er seiner Natur nach eine Potentialität ist und nicht ein bestimmtes Seiendes“. Hier spricht bereits der Quantenphysiker aus ihm.

    Gandhi hatte ein Bild von Jesus an der Wand seiner Hütte, und darunter stand „Er ist unser Friede“. Gandhi bestand aber auch darauf, dass „es in der jenseitigen Welt weder Christen noch Hindus noch Moslems gebe“. Am Scottish Church College in Kalkutta fühlte sich Bhaumik einerseits davon angezogen, dass die Mönche lehrten, dass alle als Abbild Gottes geschaffen wurden, als einheitsstiftende spirituelle Kraft erlebte er sie jedoch nicht. Die lernte er dann eher in Mutter Teresa kennen.

    Naturwissenschaft und Religion

    Nachdem er das Karussell des glamourösen Lebens verlassen hatte, begann Bhaumik, sich mit den gemeinsamen Elementen der Weltreligionen zu beschäftigen. Er fühlte, „dass die Wissenschaft (genauer die Wissenschaftlichkeit) ihre eigenen Wurzeln gekappt hatte, als sie Gott aus ihrem Kalkül entfernte“. Den Kern der Religionen fand er in drei Worten: Gott ist eins. Und die Physik versucht seit längerer Zeit, in einer einheitlichen Quantenfeldtheorie sozusagen vom anderen Ende zu einer letzten Einheit vorzudringen.

    Die sogenannte kosmische Inflation zu Beginn der „Schöpfung“ erzeugte alle positive Energie des Universums, aber zugleich auch eine gleich große Menge negativer Energie, sodass die Gesamtenergie des Universums null ist. Wie kann so etwas Gewaltiges wie das Universum null Energie haben? Die Antwort Bhaumiks: „Wenn die Energie der Inflation aus einer anderen Quelle stammt, die den Wert null besitzt“. Auch mathematisch ist die Null unweigerlich mit der Idee der Unendlichkeit verbunden. Die Forschungen muss man heute nicht nur so interpretieren, dass es sozusagen ein „Urfeld“ gegeben haben muss, sondern auch, dass darin wie in einem Samen bereits das ganze Universum inklusive Bewusstsein enthalten war. Wenn die Religionen dahinter ein universelles Bewusstsein oder Gott postulieren, dann kann die Wissenschaft heute zumindest nicht mehr prinzipiell nein sagen.

    Quelle: Mani Bhaumik: „Vom Slumjungen zum Forschermillionär“, Seifert Verlag 2011

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  • CODE NAME GOD in Gujrati



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  • CODE NAME GOD in Hindi



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  • CODE NAME GOD in Kannada



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  • CODE NAME GOD in Marathi



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  • CODE NAME GOD in Turkish



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  • CODE NAME GOD in Tamil



    Published by Kavitha Publication, India
    Sold at Kavitha Publications
    ISBN 978-81-8345-566-4