Few success stories have at once stunning and awe inspiring as that of Dr. Moni Bhaumik. The tale of his journey through life is the stuff of which fairytales are made. Born in poverty and deprivation, Moni is today one of the most eminent and successful physicist of our times.
His father Gunadhar Bhaumik was in the forefront of freedom struggle. He was imprisoned several times; hardly could stay home to support his eldestson. Brought up in this revolutionary environment, Moni showed exceptional intellect and talent.
After completing his schooling, Moni came to study science at Scottish Church College at Calcutta. Thrown into bustling urban metropolis, Moni initially had problems adjusting to the pace of city life. What, however, singled him was his excellent scholarly abilities. Whilst at Science College, he came in contact with the great physicist Professor Satyen Bose. After obtaining his degree in science, Moni joined IIT at Kharagpur as a research scholar and in 1958 earned his Ph.D. in Physics - the first at IIT.
By this time Moni's reputation had begun to spread beyond the shores of India. A paper published in an international science magazine won him accolades leading to an offer of a Slone Fellowship at the University of California, Los Angeles, for the post doctoral work. The rich reservoirs of American academia greatly influenced his academic excellence and spurred him to reach greater heights. These were the early years of Laser Techno- logy. Moni was attracted to this emerging field in Physics and was responsible for the discovery of the Eximer Laser technology - a breakthrough leading to use of it in Medicine and many other fields of Science.
Hardship toughens and hardens a man. It has blessed Dr. Moni Bhaumik with humility and fervent desire to give a helping hand to those in impoverished circumstances to better themselves through education so that spark in them does not extinguished but can blossom fully. In pursuance of that Dr.Bhaumik has established a trust called Dr. Moni Bhaumik Educational Foundation in the year 1999. Since then the Foundation has provided financial assistance to many poor students of outstanding merit.
Students who have secured admission in undergraduate courses of Engineering, medicine or Science subjects in any reputed institution might apply for scholarship. Eligibility criteria and mode of application are depicted in the attached pro-forma.
2) Chances of getting a call for interview by Selection Board depends on the quality and quantity of applications received in current year.
3) Interviews are arranged in the month of November / December each year.
4) Though you are not required to send any document with the application form, the followings are to be produced if you get a call for interview:
- Recommendation of Head Master / Mistress of the school last attended.
- Income certificate by competent authority.
- Marks sheet of H.S. or equivalent.
- Document of admission in college / university.
5) Please affix appropriate postage stamp in every mail you send.
6) Incomplete applications will be discarded.
7) Always submit facts only. Providing with false information will lead you to be discarded at any stage.